(Photos from Pinterest.com)
Hats and ponytails are always my excuses when I
I have no desire or time to braid a wonderful hairstyle,
combing, styling, plucking or blow-drying.
Well, today your hair has to be perfect!
I'm in the north and I'm shopping for the Wohnreich.
Since I prefer to spend time in cafes, train stations and museums rather than in
If I spend time in the bathroom, the time I spend in front of the mirror should be shorter rather than longer.
If I spend time in the bathroom, the time I spend in front of the mirror should be shorter rather than longer.
And so I decide on a simple braid.
Easy if you know how to do it.
Thebeautydepartment.com provides instructions on how to do it:
and don't forget, do all things with LOVE