Willkommen im Wohnreich – Dein Stil, unsere Leidenschaft

Mit viel Herz wählen wir Möbel und Accessoires aus, die dein Zuhause einzigartig machen. Lass uns gemeinsam dein Wohnreich gestalten.

Secure payment method in the Wohnreich online shop

Paypal: Your security is our top priority at Wohnreich. Apart from the fact that we do not see or save your bank details when paying through Paypal, we have set up PayPal buyer protection for you . In addition, the latest encryption techniques and additional programs protect your account around the clock. Paypal has a banking license and we have been working successfully with this customer-friendly payment method as a verified dealer since 2008.

Credit card : Don't have a Paypal account? That's absolutely no problem! Both Paypal and our Paymill Aquirer accept all major credit cards.

Wohnreich has set this up for you. Here, too, we as retailers do not store any of your credit card details. Your payment and the entire ordering process are 256-bit encrypted and secure. If a transfer should ever be reversed, this can be done very quickly. Just call if you are unsure.

Another alternative is SOFORT Überweisung.

SOFORT payment is one of the safest payment systems on the Internet. Why? Because with SOFORT transfer you can simply use your tried and tested, secure e-banking from your main bank.

  • The confidential e-banking access data and the confirmation code are entered exclusively in the secure payment form of SOFORTBanking and the partner banks.
  • Sensitive data such as confidential e-banking access data and confirmation codes are not accessible to us and cannot be viewed at any time by anyone outside the company, by Wohnreich or by employees of SOFORT GmbH thanks to encryption.
  • Use the eBanking of your own bank. Whether Migrosbank , Postfinance , UBS , Credit Suisse , your cantonal bank , Clientis Bank , Bank Coop or Raiffeisen. All well-known banks are included.

Bank Deposit / e-Banking : As a regular customer, you can simply ask us for an ESR slip. We will send you our IBAN bank details or an ESR payment slip with your order.

Login via Amazon account : Don't want to remember another password? Then use "Login via Amazon" and enter your delivery address. This will help you check out faster.

Our regular customers benefit from invoicing with their own payment terms and if you are unsure, just give us a call.

I am pleased to welcome you as our customer.


Nina Schefter-Sunke