Pillow talk

Wohnreich |

The bedroom is probably the room in the house where comfort is of the utmost importance. Think about how many hours you have already spent sleeping in your life. And how many more there will be.
To be precise, we spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping.
Sleeping is a vital, basic human need. According to sleep experts, it is not the duration of sleep that is important, but rather the quality of sleep.
To ensure this, you can simply follow a few golden rules:
* no television, no telephone, no music system should be in the bedroom
* give your clothes, if they are kept in the bedroom, a strict order
* Reading lamp on a bedside table, which ideally offers space for a cup of tea and a bedtime read
* soft curtain fabrics that let the 4 seasons into the room through the windows
* if possible, position your head towards the east
* Cotton or linen in several layers transform the bed into a sheltered nest
* if there is a mirror in the room, it should not reflect the bed
* choose natural materials if possible. When choosing colors, go for white and natural tones. You can add accents with a colorful basket or a colored cushion, depending on your mood

Good night's sleep
wishes you

....and from now on you can get beautiful, quilted quilts in natural tones in the Wohnreich.

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