By Wohnreich on 2011-09-04

Wohnreich |

My night was dark!
I was followed for what felt like an eternity.
The world ended...and...I woke up.
A little confused, exhausted and with a question mark.
If I had walked through a meadow of flowers in my dream world, accompanied by butterflies, my awakening would have been completely different.
Now I sit here and think, what do our dreams tell us?
Freud, Adler and Jung are among the three pioneers of modern depth psychology. However, I cannot really share Freud's view that dreams are hidden wish fulfillments. Rather, this morning I support
CG Jung. He breaks down dreams. The "insignificant" dreams are the nightly processing of everyday problems.
When I open the newspaper, there is a doomsday mood. Everyday problems everywhere.
Yes, today, on a Sunday, I'm making it very easy for myself and blaming the nearest person for my dream misery. I'd rather concentrate on flowers again.

Flowers, checks and stripes, a piece of perfect world and therefore sweet dreams are guaranteed by the current autumn/winter collection from Room Seven .
Now available in Wohnreich.

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