The origin of wallpaper

Wohnreich |

Come with me on a journey through time.
2nd century BC the Chinese begin to cover their masonry with rice paper.
Following this, in 105 AD, the Chinese court official Tsai Lun invented the production of paper from textile waste, the birth of paper as we know it today.
In the 8th century, Chinese prisoners passed on their knowledge to the Arabs, who in turn replaced the linen fibers with wood and bamboo, which resulted in a much higher quality product.
During the 12th century, paper production was widespread throughout Europe.
The first known woodcut in Europe dates from 1418 and shows us a depiction of the Virgin Mary. Today this work can be seen in the Royal Library in Brussels.
Jean Bourdichon, one of the most important artists of the early French Renaissance, painted 50 rolls of paper in 1481 on commission from Louis XI. They depict angels on a blue background.
More and more wealthy Europeans are commissioning artists to paint their pictures on rolls in order to then decorate their walls.
And today it's all about beautifying. I'm replacing the word "wallpaper" with "wall decoration".
And this wall decoration is now available in various colors and patterns in the living area.

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