Wohnreich's Blog
Posted by Wohnreich on
The Pixies are on the move.
They come from the far north.
To be precise, from Maileg from Denmark.
Rumor has it that the shy pixies roam far and wide - they want us to believe that they are made mostly of cotton.
But deep inside her beats a little heart, a Christmas heart.
The Pixies like to help around the house or even prefer to hide behind the fireplace, on the windowsill...
A piece of home happiness
Posted by Wohnreich on
Home happiness means:
* Enjoy fragrant coffee in your favorite cup
* Children's laughter
* warm feet
* Friends
* a tidy basement
* the lake on the doorstep
* freshly made beds
* a full fridge
* Forget everyday worries
* bikes ready to go
* Raclette
* Books
Where does your happiness lie at home?
A piece You can now receive Heimatglück in your living area.
* Enjoy fragrant coffee in your favorite cup
* Children's laughter
* warm feet
* Friends
* a tidy basement
* the lake on the doorstep
* freshly made beds
* a full fridge
* Forget everyday worries
* bikes ready to go
* Raclette
* Books
Where does your happiness lie at home?
A piece You can now receive Heimatglück in your living area.
Posted by Wohnreich on
The festival on the night of October 31st to November 1st. " Halloween "
We owe the custom of putting up pumpkins for Halloween to an old legend.
A villain named Jack Oldfield caught the devil through a trick. Jack demanded that the devil not get in his way again. Because of this act, Jack did not go to heaven or hell after his death. However, the devil had...
Posted by Wohnreich on
Decades ago, my mother came home one day with an ultra-colorful knitted sweater.
What a change!
Usually, my Norwegian godmother always gave me something knitted herself for Christmas.
Mostly in red, white and black.
This piece of color was a feast for the eyes.
Oilily is the name of the Dutch brand that still accompanies and inspires me today.
Inspiration in white
Posted by Wohnreich on
Noble, timeless, stimulating, versatile, elegant.
Classic, romantic, traditional, modern.
The color white is my favorite home color.
Although white is not a color in the true sense.
It is much more the sum of all colors.
Maybe that's why I like her so much.
Meanwhile, white is conquering our living spaces.
I am sure white is more than just a trend,
because white is also...